
Showing posts from February, 2022

How to Make a Glass House Underwater in Minecraft TUTORIAL

Minecraft's endless building possibilities are not only restricted to edifice wooden box houses above basis. Edifice underwater is a scrap fiddly, simply the rewards are great. Underwater houses are safe from nigh mobs, tin look awesome with beautiful bounding main views, and are relatively hidden away if you're playing on a multiplayer server. However, building your home under the waves in Minecraft is non straightforward. These tips volition assist yous build an underwater firm more than easily. By using items similar sand blocks, lanterns, drinking glass, and item enchantments that make life underwater easier, edifice an underwater house isn't that difficult. Y'all but demand to know how to get started. 7 Selection The Right Spot Like whatever home in Minecraft, players will have different ideas almost where's a good spot and
